Oct 24, 2021「創新科技嘉年華2021」(Chinese only)佳昇科技有限公司獲邀參展由創新科技署主辦的「創新科技嘉年華2021」將一連九日展出一系列本地的創新科技發明,啟發公眾對創科的興趣,推廣創科文化。 香港科技園公司將展示園區公司的創科成果,見證我們驅動創科20年的卓越成就。是次活動將匯聚一連串多元感官體驗,讓大家親身感受創科對...
Oct 8, 2021Research excellence meets entrepreneurial mindset for impact and social good Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, people are more concerned about environmental hygiene than ever. Most of us still remember vividly how the...
Oct 4, 2021Grand Rise Technology Limited joined HKSTP x PwC Tech Raiser11 tech companies focus on Real Estate & Infrastructure, Advanced Manufacturing & Environmental Sustainability, Transportation &...